Haggard Caravan was a collaborative project between several artists and musicians, which was created over the course of ten days at The Hepworth Wakefield. The project was a response to the architectural and historical characteristics of the mill buildings surrounding The Hepworth Wakefield, as well as the landscape the buildings are sited in.
The artists involved were Jeanne Graff, Tobias Madison, Flavio Merlo, Emanuel Rossetti, Gregory Ruppe, William Z Saunders and Stefan Tcherepnin.
Process was key to the group’s approach, and on their daily journey to and from The Hepworth Wakefield they collected objects and organic debris – things that were abandoned or discarded – which they included in a large installation that served as a memoir of their time in Wakefield. The group also made daily field recordings of sounds that accompanied their daily journey through Wakefield. They combined these recordings with digitally produced sound made with a Serge Modular Synthesiser to create a major new sound composition which accompanied the collected materials in the gallery space.
‘What makes this particular collaboration (or any collaboration, for that matter) so interesting to me is that it offers a new, complex context in which one can produce or re-produce an object: a context in which one can explore even irrational methods, whilst still legitimising its production. It is a position in which I don’t criticise or affirm anything — instead, I try to speak a certain language, but speak it better.’
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Haggard Caravan
18 Apr - 01 Jun 2014
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