★★★★ The Observer
Andrew Cranston: What made you stop here? is the first public gallery exhibition of the Scottish painter’s work.
On show are 38 new and recent paintings that range from large-scale canvases to intimate works painted on old linen-bound book covers, comprising subjects that include still life, landscape, seascape, portraits, and interior scenes. Engaging with the layered emotional quality and pathos of everyday life, as well as a strong sense of place, be it real or imagined, Cranston’s evocatively titled paintings contain compelling and intriguing narratives that have the collaged dream-like quality of recollection and what he calls ‘creative misremembering’.
His formally inventive and highly intimate paintings find new ways to connect the personal and art historical past with the present through a gamut of visual and literary references and shared experiences. The paintings exploit what is perhaps only glanced existing in the periphery of vision and embody a sense of revelation, wonder and oddness in familiar situations. Connections and highly personal associations are deeply entwined in these works creating a rewarding and memorable experience.

The Yorkshire Post
New exhibition of work by artist Andrew Cranston at the Hepworth Wakefield

Studio International
Andrew Cranston – interview: ‘Trust in things around you being the stuff of art’

Andrew Cranston, Why did you stop here? 2023
Limited edition print - exclusive to The Hepworth Wakefield
Exhibition supported by
Major supporters:
Ryan Taylor Collection
Roden Family
The George Economou Collection
Ingleby Gallery
Exhibition supporters:
Modern Art
The Garcia Family Foundation
Clore Wyndham
Aishti Foundation, Beirut